Statistics Index

Winning Electorate Candidate Votes

Electorate Electorate Candidate Party Valid Votes Majority Percentage of Candidate Votes Cast On the Party List
Auckland Central KAYE, Nicola Laura National Party 13,198 1,581 45.25% Yes
Bay of Plenty MULLER, Todd Michael National Party 25,352 13,996 61.05% Yes
Botany ROSS, Jami-Lee Matenga National Party 21,378 12,839 62.85% Yes
Christchurch Central WEBB, Duncan Alexander Labour Party 16,631 2,871 47.93% Yes
Christchurch East WILLIAMS, Munokoa Poto Labour Party 18,439 7,480 54.44% Yes
Clutha-Southland WALKER, Hamish Richard National Party 21,819 14,354 59.89% Yes
Coromandel SIMPSON, Scott Anthony National Party 23,053 14,326 55.09% Yes
Dunedin North CLARK, David Scott Labour Party 21,259 11,754 57.78% Yes
Dunedin South CURRAN, Clare Elizabeth Labour Party 21,404 8,717 54.59% Yes
East Coast TOLLEY, Anne National Party 17,517 4,807 46.70% Yes
East Coast Bays STANFORD, Erica National Party 22,731 16,290 66.06% Yes
Epsom SEYMOUR, David Breen ACT New Zealand 16,505 5,519 43.17% Yes
Hamilton East BENNETT, David Allister National Party 18,975 5,810 53.44% Yes
Hamilton West MACINDOE, Timothy Harley National Party 18,842 7,731 52.82% Yes
Helensville PENK, Christopher Aidan National Party 21,704 14,608 56.50% Yes
Hunua BAYLY, Andrew National Party 26,825 19,443 66.61% Yes
Hutt South BISHOP, Christopher National Party 19,643 1,530 47.88% Yes
Ilam BROWNLEE, Gerard Anthony National Party 16,577 8,256 46.60% Yes
Invercargill DOWIE, Sarah Maree National Party 18,102 5,579 51.05% Yes
Kaikōura SMITH, Stuart Tayler National Party 20,954 10,553 53.61% Yes
Kelston SEPULONI, Carmel Jean Labour Party 16,789 7,269 54.85% Yes
Mana FAAFOI, Kristopher Labour Party 22,709 10,980 59.36% Yes
Māngere SIO, Sua Viliamu Labour Party 18,810 14,597 70.27% Yes
Manukau East SALESA, Jennifer Teresia Labour Party 17,402 12,589 67.81% Yes
Manurewa WALL, Louisa Hareruia Labour Party 15,577 8,374 58.78% Yes
Maungakiekie LEE, Denise Adrienne National Party 15,063 2,157 44.01% Yes
Mt Albert ARDERN, Jacinda Kate Laurell Labour Party 24,416 15,264 64.48% Yes
Mt Roskill WOOD, Michael Philip Labour Party 19,094 6,898 55.26% Yes
Napier NASH, Stuart Alexander Labour Party 20,677 5,220 54.23% Yes
Nelson SMITH, Nick National Party 16,735 4,283 40.69% Yes
New Lynn RUSSELL, Deborah Faye Labour Party 15,840 2,825 47.05% Yes
New Plymouth YOUNG, Jonathan Edgar Joseph National Party 20,711 7,733 52.59% Yes
North Shore BARRY, Margaret Mary National Party 23,564 12,716 60.50% Yes
Northcote COLEMAN, Jonathan National Party 19,072 6,210 52.77% Yes
Northland KING, Ronald Matthew National Party 15,243 1,389 38.30% Yes
Ōhāriu O'CONNOR, Gregory Eamon Labour Party 17,084 1,051 43.01% Yes
Ōtaki GUY, Allen Nathan National Party 20,725 6,156 50.80% Yes
Pakuranga BROWN, Simeon Peter National Party 22,663 14,886 64.91% Yes
Palmerston North LEES-GALLOWAY, Iain Francis Labour Party 18,338 6,392 53.09% Yes
Papakura COLLINS, Judith Anne National Party 20,266 7,486 55.63% Yes
Port Hills DYSON, Ruth Suzanne Labour Party 22,603 7,916 53.89% Yes
Rangitata FALLOON, Andrew Hamilton National Party 19,994 6,331 53.56% Yes
Rangitīkei McKELVIE, Ian Robert Flockhart National Party 20,809 10,290 56.59% Yes
Rimutaka HIPKINS, Christopher John Labour Party 21,725 8,609 55.98% Yes
Rodney MITCHELL, Mark Patrick National Party 28,140 19,561 63.14% Yes
Rongotai EAGLE, Tahere Paul Labour Party 21,146 10,900 52.34% Yes
Rotorua McCLAY, Todd Michael National Party 18,788 7,901 53.37% Yes
Selwyn ADAMS, Amy Juliet National Party 28,686 19,639 66.22% Yes
Tāmaki O'CONNOR, Simon David National Party 24,026 15,402 64.13% Yes
Taranaki-King Country KURIGER, Barbara Joan National Party 23,854 15,259 66.41% Yes
Taupō UPSTON, Louise Claire National Party 24,611 14,335 62.88% Yes
Tauranga BRIDGES, Simon Joseph National Party 21,499 11,252 54.77% Yes
Te Atatū TWYFORD, Philip Stoner Labour Party 16,774 3,184 49.45% Yes
Tukituki YULE, Lawrence Arden National Party 18,280 2,813 47.99% Yes
Upper Harbour BENNETT, Paula Lee National Party 19,857 9,556 56.10% Yes
Waikato van de MOLEN, Timothy John National Party 24,560 15,452 62.18% Yes
Waimakariri DOOCEY, Matthew Maurice National Party 22,657 10,766 57.60% Yes
Wairarapa SCOTT, Alastair Oliver National Party 16,514 2,872 41.40% Yes
Waitaki DEAN, Jacqueline Isobel National Party 24,870 12,816 57.46% Yes
Wellington Central ROBERTSON, Grant Murray Labour Party 20,873 9,963 49.26% Yes
West Coast-Tasman O'CONNOR, Damien Peter Labour Party 18,488 5,593 49.54% Yes
Whanganui HIPANGO, Harete Makere National Party 16,751 1,706 45.60% Yes
Whangarei RETI, Shane Raymond National Party 18,734 10,967 46.29% Yes
Wigram WOODS, Megan Cherie Labour Party 17,001 4,594 52.31% Yes
Hauraki-Waikato MAHUTA, Nanaia Cybele Labour Party 15,306 9,223 71.56% No
Ikaroa-Rāwhiti WHAITIRI, Melissa Heni Mekameka Labour Party 12,274 4,210 55.13% No
Tāmaki Makaurau HENARE, Peeni Ereatara Gladwyn Labour Party 9,396 3,809 48.81% No
Te Tai Hauāuru RURAWHE, Adrian Paki Labour Party 9,791 1,039 45.01% No
Te Tai Tokerau DAVIS, Kelvin Labour Party 12,673 4,807 53.97% Yes
Te Tai Tonga TIRIKATENE, Rino Labour Party 10,416 4,676 45.89% No
Waiariki COFFEY, Tamati Gerald Labour Party 12,362 1,719 53.74% Yes