
COROMANDEL 09 Candidate Vote DetailsBIRD, TonyFITZSIMONS, JeanetteHAWKESWOOD, MargaretMcDONALD, RobynMcLEAN, MurrayPARLOUR, David Total Valid Candidate Votes Informal Candidate Votes
Athenree Fire Station, Roretana Drive19154351112520 364 4
Colville School395103412 154 1
Cook's Beach Hall, Rees Avenue88217410612 229 2
Coroglen School05879662 142 2
Coromandel Area School, Woollams Avenue374301484336219 1039 20
Hahei Community Centre, Beach Road1082106631 172 1
Hikutaia School, Main Road98225101502 278 6
Kaihere School, State Highway 271401221673 225 1
Katikati Memorial Hall, Main Road567611509188163 2002 28
 Primary School, Beach Road314511043947334 1132 10
Kauaeranga Valley Kauaeranga Hall, Kauaeranga Valley Road109081271 137 2
Kennedy Bay Kennedy's Bay School, Kennedy Bay Road23492102 59 2
Kerepehi School, McGowan Avenue77837171035 247 8
Kopuarahi School, State Highway 256531061254 204 1
Kuaotunu Hall, Corner Black Jack and Irish Town Roads9141164805 255 2
Manaia School, Goldfields Road126101272 58 2
Matakana Island Bilingual School561322 19 1
Netherton School5411951213 194 4
Ngatea School, 52 Orchard Road26229853146713 851 17
Omokoroa No 1 School, Emeny Road2111301018410 347 4
 Point School, Hamurana Road31408925348642 1112 25
Opoutere School057156601 139 1
Paeroa Linn Motors Ltd, Belmont Road574601966741923 1222 35
 Memorial Hall, Normanby Road573441384634422 951 20
Pahoia School11279541934223 728 5
Pauanui Sport and Recreation Club1015129830411 513 15
Port Charles L M Hitchens Residence, 1651 Port Charles Road, Sandy Bay0278140 40 0
Puriri Public Hall7922561393 272 5
Tairua Community Hall, Main Road234201152131916 914 13
Tapu School, State Highway 2511146555765 298 10
Te Puna Memorial Hall, Main Road15425776360840 1228 14
 School, Te Puna Road612231231699 360 10
Te Puru Thames Coast Community Centre, 4 West Crescent26234682518616 555 16
Te Rerenga School, State Highway 25022105490 86 0
Thames Citizens Bandrooms, Queen Street26232952024010 623 12
 Cultural Centre, Tararu Road2222365101679 496 9
 High School, Sealey Street454911442932819 1056 20
 Moanataiari School, Kuranui Street14147634908 326 11
 Parawai School, Lowe Avenue1316734915710 390 4
 South School, Rolleston Street463841242132215 912 24
Turua Primary School, Hauraki Road1311845212269 432 9
Waihi East School, Gladstone Road372521022214819 580 20
 Memorial Hall, Seddon Street895782415737838 1381 35
 South School, Moresby Avenue493361262321123 768 19
Waihi Beach School, Main Road554761824237925 1159 26
Waikino Victoria Hall, Main Road7140257874 270 3
Waitakaruru School, State Highway 2559020131835 316 4
Whakamarama School31152471067 262 6
Whangamata Area School, Port Road434761263234118 1036 29
 District Council Building, Port Road245511563641615 1198 23
Whenuakite School25332723 135 2
Whiritoa Emergency Management Centre, Beach Road871161472 145 2
Whitianga Mercury Bay Area School, South Highway3226870243176 717 15
 Town Hall, Monk Street3935484354826 1000 28
 Hospital Votes10505326735 217 12
 Ordinary Votes BEFORE polling day415251265162029 1392 18
 Special Votes BEFORE polling day1520642151417 426 7
 Special Votes ON polling day7210962466978752 2322 35
 Overseas Special Votes including defence force652244490 135 0
 Coromandel Total 1217136823892123713432760 34220 660
Valid Candidate Votes plus Informal Candidate Votes       34880
 Electorate Candidate Valid VotesParty  FITZSIMONS, Jeanette - Green Party majority 250
 BIRD, TonyAlliance12173.56%
 FITZSIMONS, JeanetteGreen Party1368239.98%
 HAWKESWOOD, MargaretLabour Party389211.37%
 McDONALD, RobynNew Zealand First Party12373.61%
 McLEAN, MurrayNational Party1343239.25%
 PARLOUR, DavidChristian Heritage Party7602.22%